Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Circle time fun!

Circle time games

We played a circle time game where we talked about our favourite and least favourite things about school.  At the end we we were all joined together by a piece of wool. We talked about being a part of a team, co-operation and working together as a grade.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Nathan - Feb 24th student of the week

Nathan is a responsible and reliable member of the grade who displays excellent work habits and lovely manners. You are a pleasure to teach Nathan!


This week we are learning to tell the time, edit our recounts, make text to self connections with books, and continue to follow the school rules.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

W.A.L.T (We Are Learning To)

Identify 2D shapes, choose books that are 'just right', write a recount, write correctly on dotted thirds (gr 1's), follow school rules, and get to know each other better.

Student of the week - Jak

Well done Jak!